Terms of the competition

The main organizer of the TPT 2018 poster competition is the Jan Koniarek Gallery in Trnava.

Contest can be attended by students of art colleges and professional individuals or collectives from around the world.

The author permits the organizer to process the personal data.

Organizer shall ensure adequate protection of personal data and copyright and undertakes not to provide it to a third party.

Authors can only register their own posters. The registrant is responsible for ensuring that copyright is respected.

The author of the work gives the organizer permission to exhibit the work, reproduce it in the official catalog, and publish a preview of the work on the internet and social networks.

Author is responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the information and for the technical and color quality of the work.

Physical works sent to the organizer’s address are not returned and will be included in the official GJK TPT poster collection.

Posters that promote violence, hate speech, terrorism, pornography, racism, or otherwise violate the law will be rejected from the contest.