TPT 2012 Questions & Answers

? We would like to send some posters into category A, but they are smaller than required. What should we do?
+ Print 2 copies of the poster digitally in the size required by competition rules.

? Why is my form filled incorrectly?
+ You probably started to fill the form several times and now you are not in the most recent version. Please check your mailbox and find access code to the correct form.

? Can we send a poster printed by Ink-jet technology?
+ Yes, but do not forget to send us the two identical copies.

? On page is written that we can send 5 posters. Can we send less?
+ Yes, you can compete with one and maximally with five posters.

? I would like to send my posters to the category C – junior. What should I do?
+ Please ask your teacher to register you and your posters to the competition.

? I belong to the category C – junior and my posters are already printed. Should I send them?
+ No, category C will be evaluated based on digital data. Posters which will proceed to the finale will be printed by the organiser in the uniform size 50 x 70 cm.

? I filled the registration form, but e-mail did not come.
+ Please check whether you entered the correct address, or search your spam box.