TPT 2012 Ad Hoc! The Art of Finnish Poster

9 November 2012 – 3 February 2013
Koppel villa GJK, Zelený kríček 3, Trnava

The exhibition of Finnish posters, created in cooperation with the University of Jan Evangelista Purkyne in Usti nad Labem. Part of Designblok Prague 2012.

Pekka Loiri is one of the most respected names on the field of Finnish graphic design. For the Czech Centre Prague, Pekka has chosen 80 pieces forming the AD HOC! exhibit. The exhibit presents posters by well known artists such as Kari Piippo, Jukka Veistola, Aimo Katajamäki, Hilppa Hyrkäs, Ilkka Kärkkäinen, Esa Ojala, but also by young talents such as Pekka Piiippo, Antti Raudaskoski, Jenni Kuokka.

Curator: Pekka Loiri

Ad Hoc!