TPT 1991 Regulations

Poster 91 Poster triennial Trnava

Is a public non- annonymous competitive exhibition of posters and artist´s prints produced in the Slovak republic by artists living permanently in the Slovak Republic. The mission and aim of the  enterprise is to stimulate poster art, to contribute to raising the artistic level of poster in a wide range of their content orientation, to stimulate to improvement of their polygraphic realization.


Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic
FORMA Associations- The Union of Graphic Designers of Slovakia LETRA, Jan Koniarek´s Gallery Trnava, The Gallery of Architekture, Applied Art and Design of the Slovak National Gallery (GAUUDI)
Slovak Design Center


The preparation and realization of the Triennial is secured and carried out by the Galéria Jána Koniarka in Trnava, in cooperation with the organizational committee of the event and the named director.


Artists and institutions working in the Slovak republic can send Works to the Triennial. Individuals and institutions can present at most 10 posters from all areas of poster creation, made in the previous 10 years, in a appropriate size. The Works together with the application form and labels for the Works should be sent to this address:
Galéria Jána Koniarka
Františkánska 2
917 02 Trnava


A 5 member jury appointed by the organizers will choose posters for the exhibitions from those submitted. The criterion of selection will be the artistic value of the work.


Graphic designers, art theoreticians and experts on visual  communication- representatives of these institutions: Gallery of Architecture, Applied Art and Design of thr Slovak National Gallery, FORMA Associations, Jan Koniarek´s Gallery Trnava, ICOGRADA (International Council of graphic Design Associations) and AGI (Alliance Graphique  Internationalle) will award the international prize MASTER´ S EYE for extraordinary creative results, organizational activity and promotion of graphic design. The international jury will consist of laureates of this prize, while membership in the jury is part of the award. The members of the jury cannot take part in the Triennial competition.


A 5 member international competition jury, appointed by the organizers on the basis of the approved competition regulations, will decide on the granting of prizes. The presentation of prizes and publication of the results in the press will take place not more than 30 days after jury completes its work. The prize winning artists will be informed in writing.


The jury will award these prizes: The grant Prix, 1st prize, 2nd prize, 3rd prize. The prizes can be awarded for  collections of posters or individual works.


The organizers will publish a catalogue with a reproduction of a chosen work, and bibliographical information about exhibiting artists according to their application forms. Every exhibiting artist will receive one free catalogue.


The organizers reserve the right to promote and reproduce exhibited Works inthe press and other mass media, without paying royalties to the artist.


After the end of exhibition all exhibits will be added to the collection of the Jan Koniarek Gallery Trnava. The Triennial will be the starting point for the purchasing plan of The Gallery of Architecture, Applied Art and Design of the Slovak National Gallery. The organizers reserve the right to publish corrections to individual  items of the regulations.