TPT 1997 Organizing Committee


PhDr. Zdenka Burianová
art historian
dorector of the Slovak Design Centre, Bratislava


Juraj Čarný
student, FFUK, Bratislava

Jozef Dóka ml.
graphic designer, Trnava

Anna Horváthová
Ministry of the Culture of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava

Katarína Hubová
art historian, VŠVU Bratislava

Ing. arch. Eva Hulmanová
The Department of Cultural Affairs, City Hall Trnava

MUDr. Bohuš Chmelík
the representative of the City Trnava

Pavol Choma
graphic designer, Žilina

PhDr. Dagmar Poláčková
art historian, SNG Bratislava

Zoltán Salamon
graphic designer, Bratislava

Stanislav Stankoci
graphic designer, Bratislava

Priska Štubňová
director of the Ján Koniarek´s gallery in Trnava