TPT 1994 Organizing Committee


Jozef Dóka jun.
graphic/designer, Trnava

Members of the Committee

PhDr. Zdenka Burianová
art historian, director of the Slovak Design Centre

PhDr. Magdaléna Rollerová
art historian, Bratislava
Slovak Fine Arts Union, Bratislava

Vladislav Rostoka
graphic/designer, Bratislava

Ľubomír Longauer
graphic/designer, Bratislava
Academy of Fine Arts and Design

Jaroslav Formanko
art historian, Bratislava
the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic

PhDR. Dagmar Poláčková
art historian, Bratislava
the Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava

Stanislav Stankoci
graphic/designer, Bratislava
Academy of Fine Arts and Design

PhDr. Milan Brežák
The Department of Cultural Affairs,
City Hall Trnava

Priska Štubňová
director of the Jan Koniarek Gallery in  Trnava

The member of honour of the committee

Ing. Imrich Borbély
Mayor of Trnava