TPT 1994 Regulations

poster ´94 – Trnava poster triennial

is a public nonanonymous international competitive exhibition of posters and artists´prints produced between October 1991 and February 1994. The aim of this event is to promote the  cultural aspect of this specific medium and publicize it by installing the exhibition in locations in Trnava.

Organizers of the triennial

Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic, Slovak Fine Arts Union, Forma Association, Union of Graphic Designers LETRA, Slovak Design Centre, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Jan Koniarek Gallery.

Organization of the triennial

Preparation and realization are carried out by the organizing committee TPT ´94, the Jan Koniarek Gallery in Trnava, the Slovak Design Centre and the Academy od Fine Arts and Design.

Conditions of participation

Artists and creative groups can send at most 10 posters from all areas of poster creation in an appropriate sice. The competition has two categories:

category A – Professional artists and creative groups

category B – students of fine arts schools

The Works together with the application forms and labels for the Works should be sent to this addres by 30th june 1994: Galéria Jána Koniarka, Kopplov kaštieľ, Zelený kríček 3, 917 00  Trnava, Slovak Republic. A seven-member jury appointed by the organizing committee will choose posters for the exhibition from those submitted. The sriterion of selection will be the artistic merit of the work. Individual schools are responsible for the choise of students´works in category B.

competition jury

A five-member International Competition Jury, consisting of laureats of the Master´s Eye Award (presented on the basis of the approved competition regularions), will deside the awarding of prizes. Membership of the jury is part of the award and jury memebers cannost take part in the competition. The exhibition of jury members´ work will be a special part of the Triennial.

PRIZES/ In category A these prizes will be presented:

The Grand Prix                 30 thousand crowns

1st prize                              20 thousand crowns

2nd prize                            15 thousand crowns

3rd prize                             10 thousand crowns

In category B these prizes will be presented:

1st prize                              15 thousand crowns

2nd prize                            10 thousand crowns

3rd prize                             5 thousand crowns

and the Prize of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava. Prizes constist of a financial award in Slovak crownds, a certificate and an artefact. The slovak Design Centre Prize and the Mayor of Trnava Prize will be presented without category differentation. Prizes can by present for a collection of posters and for individual works. The presentation of prizes and publication of the results in the press will take palce not more than 30 days after the jury completes its work. The prize-winning artists will be informed in writing.

International prize the master´s eye award

Graphic designers, art theoreticians and experts on visual communication-representatives of institutions: the Slovak National Gallery, FORMA Association, the Jan Koniarek Gallery, ICOGRADA /International Council of Graphic Designers Associations/, the Academy of Fine Arts and Design an Slovak Design Centre will award the Master´s Eye international prize for extraordinary creative achievment, organizing activity and the promotion of graphic design.

Catalogue/promotion/conclusion of the exhibit

The organizers will publish a catalogue aňwith a reproduction of a chosen work and biographical information about exhibiting artist according to their application forms. Every exhibiting artist can order /buy/ the catalogue at a 50% reduced price. The organizers reserve the right to promote and reproduce exhibited Works in the press and other mass media without paying royalties to the artist. After the exhibition all exhibits will be kept in the archives of the Triennial competition and some will be added to the collection of the Jan Koniarek Gallery.