TPT 2000 Accompanying Events

This year organisers of the Trnava Poster Triennial prepared for the visitors of exhibition also other accompanying events.

The project Window presented during three month before triennial best posters from previous years in the window of the CD shop on the very frequented place – the town square.

The other one – international workshop for students of graphic design Poster Today was organised by the association POSTER and the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava and it was aimed to the professional public.

The workshop took place during opening of the triennial (27 September – 30 September) and the participants came from fine arts academies in Slovakia, Slovenia, Poland and Czech Republic. Topic was media of posters and current trends in this field of graphic design. Workshop had three parts. The first one was theoretical – lectures about history of posters, Finish posters of 50-ies, Masters of Polish Poster School and presentation of works by lecturers. Visiting of expositions with lecturers provided to student space for confrontation of their view with the view of professional experienced poster artists. Last two days were devoted to visualisation of ideas and concepts under leadership of the lecturers. The disadvantage could seem to be the short time which was provided for the ”physical producing” of the posters in studios of Academy of Fine arts and Design in Bratislava, but organisers considered very important to provide opportunity for students to meet graphic designers during opening and enough time for visiting the expositions of the triennial in Trnava. Lecturers have dealt with this issue excellent: they were free to choose their own topic for the students and they have lead students to look for the message in posters and make the vision, not only physical results. Two of lecturers were also members of the International Jury of the triennial: Tapani Aartomaa (Finland) and Paul Brühwiler (Switzerland). Tapani Aartomaa took the topic European Seas which was undertood by his students from Poland as the ecologic message. Students of Paul Brüwhiler made an experiment making the posters by covering of layers by different people, what was for them, as they say, ”lecture in tolerance and communication”. Slovak lecturer Lubomir Longauer (Slovakia) with topic Black & White, Władysław Pluta (Poland), TYPOster, Stanislav Stankoci (Slovakia), Poster for every season of the year, Zdravko Papić (Slovenia), Verbal and visual communication in poster media.

The author of the project Plane – “wall of posters” is a graphic designer Milan Mikula and art theorist Maria Riskova. The idea is to emphasize the original mission of the poster as a communication medium acting directly at the viewer in the outdoors as opposed to presenting it in a sterile art gallery spaces. The wall built on the most frequent site of Trnava provides the space for communication. Posters on the wall, created by four graphic designers are cyclically changed.