TPT 2003 text: Robert L. Peters

A message from Icograda

On behalf of my fellow Board colleagues and Members of the International Council of Graphic Design Associations (Icograda) around the world, please accept our best wishes for the success of this important triennial poster exhibition in Trnava, and for the promotion of Graphic Design in Slovakia. The poster has an established role as a medium of influence across the eras – from the days of the French Revolution, to its use as a propaganda tool, to its use as a commercial art form, to its role as an expressive outlet to convey the ideologies, words and images of its creators. Icograda is the professional world body for graphic design and visual communication. Icograda unifies the voice of graphic designers and visual communication designers worldwide and promotes graphic designers’ vital role in society and commerce. As the the non-governmental and non-political representative and advisory body for visual communication worldwide, Icograda serves the community of graphic designers.

In this era of global information exchange and ideas, Graphic Design has moved into the forefront of public awareness. Today’s Graphic Designers are responsible for shaping much of the visual world and for shaping culture. Importantly, this shaping of culture in turn influences the values of today’s and tomorrow’s populations, and those values give form to the world our children will live in. Best wishes to all participants of the Trnava Poster Triennial.

Robert L. Peters
Icograda President
31 July 2003