Every three years we continue our tradition of the Trnava Poster Triennial international exhibition and competition. During preparations we were thinking about the fact that this event, whose catalogue we submit to your attention, should be dynamic and fresh, yet, at the same time should reflect not only the state of facts in contemporary design, but demonstrates the commitment for a quality presentation of poster in the worldwide context.
Related to this is the change of the name of the main prize from “Grand Prix” to “Andy Warhol Award” (whose roots trace back to our region), thus demonstrating our commitment to not only connect our small middle European state with the rest of the world, but also the fine art with design. This bridge between genres is visible also in the accompanying events and exhibition opening, that will offer a few visual surprises, as well as the presentation of the Triennial in the mass media.
Although taking place in Trnava, the Triennial reach extends to Bratislava. While our main activities centre on Trnava, satellite events will take place in the capital city. This is yet another proof that we can establish the centre in any place, the case of Trnava in the autumn of year 2003, when it became be the capital for the world’s posters. In these moments when we eagerly wait to join the European Union the cultural events play an important role in the integration as they increase the visibility of both Trnava county and the whole Slovakia.
Finding an attractive space for the installation of more than a thousand posters from 42 countries was challenging. Besides using our traditional spaces of the Jan Koniarek Gallery, Koppel House and Synagogue – Centre of Contemporary Art, the exhibition will be installed as well in the extraordinarily interesting space of a former Jesuit monastery, in the centre of old Trnava.
Thanks to the ‘Jesus Community’ and to father Vladimir Pavle, the architects may use the generous possibilities of the hallways and rooms of the historic ‘House of Jesus Community” building.
I am pleased that the City of Trnava welcomes this event and takes pride in knowing that it is now part of its recent cultural heritage and present image. Except for organizational and financial support, the Trnava Municipality provides space for the accompanying exhibitions. Maintaining the tradition, the Slovak Design Centre cooperated to the preparation of the event and secured Icograda’s involvement, the main prize being endorsed by this most important organization of the graphic design associations of the world.
The Academy of Fine Arts and Design has an irreplaceable role in the coorganising of the accompanying events, and also in the preparations of the main exhibition. This year significant contribution has the civic association Poster, which is involved in preparing several accompanying events of the Trnava Poster Triennial.
I would like to thank to all those who helped to create a wonderful environment many of who worked not for any monetary reward, but simply for symbolic recognition: both institutions and individuals, fond of graphic design, members of the Organizing Committee, the Selection Jury and civic association Poster, and the employees of Jan Koniarek Gallery for whom it was at the same time a difficult task and an interesting experience.
I would like to thank also to the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic, Program Pro Slovakia, International Visegrad Fund, and to our media partners that helped us draw public attention on our event, to the partners involved in organizing the accompanying events and also, to all our sponsors.
The final words are yet another special thanks, on behalf of the organizers to every single author who sent us works and to the members of the international jury for their interest in this medium of communication and for the respect that they paid to Trnava Poster Triennial.
Viera Jančeková
Director of the Jan Koniarek Gallery
August 2003