TPT 2015 Regulations
Round 1
Selection from on-line work previews – by April 30, 2015
Every competitor who registers their work(s) in a givencategory and in digital form through the on-line form
by February 28, 2015 shall be included in the selection.
One competitor may register a maximum of 5 posters created between July 1, 2012 and February 28, 2015.
Accepted dimensions – minimum: 60 × 84 cm, maximum: 100 × 140 cm.
Organizers work with codes, information, and poster reproductions from the on-line form. The author is responsible for the data accuracy and colour correctness of digital documents.
Round 2
Evaluation of delivered and exhibited works – by September 15, 2015
Only works delivered on time and selected in Round 1 shall be included in the evaluation and prize awarding.
Two properly marked copies of each poster chosen in Round 1 shall be delivered by contestants to the address of the competition by June 30, 2015.
Authors of the delivered and exhibited works shall become competition finalists.
All finalists shall receive one catalogue including a reproduction of their work for free, provided they settle expenses connected with its shipping and packaging.
Organizers reserve the right to promote and reproduce finalists’ works in print media and on the internet without entitlement to royalties. After the exhibition, all exhibits shall remain archived in the Jan Koniarek Gallery in Trnava. Delivered works shall become property of the organizer and shall not be returned to their authors.