AARTOMAA, Tapani, Fínsko
1. Stop Trafficking, 2004, offset
2. AIDS, 2004, offset
3. Poppe Kissa (chat), 2004, offset
ABBASI, Majid, Irán
1. The 5th color Exhibition in Aiap, Italy, 100 x 70 cm, 2004, offset
2. House of Bam, The Exhibition of Reconstruction of Houses after Earthquake, 70 x 50 cm, 2005, offset
3. Bam, The Everlasting Heritage, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
4. Conference on Folk Literature of Iran, 70 x 50 cm, 2004, offset
1. Tailand, 93 x 125 cm, 2005, print
1. Iranian Contemporary Look, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, digital
AKAVCI, Hadi Serhat, Turecko
1. Changing World Order and Human Problems, 87 x 61 cm, 2004, offset
AKIYAMA, Takashi, Japonsko
1. Visualogue, 103 x 73 cm, 2003, silkscreen
2. Friendship, 103 x 73 cm, 2004, silkscreen
ALLAN, Poul, Dánsko
1. Christina von Bűlow, 125 x 74 cm, 2005, digital
ALTINTAS, Yurdaer, Turecko
1. Sunrise , 68 x 48 cm, 2003, offset
2. Nosferatu, 55 x 80 cm, 2004, offset
3. Pietro Germi, 80 x 55 cm, 2005, offset
4. Yasujiro Ozu, 80 x 55 cm, 2003, offset
AMINIAN, Tahamtan, Irán
1. Poster for oster, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
2. Return to Afghanistan, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
AOKI, Michisuke, Japonsko
1. No war! Keep the article, 103 x 78 cm, 2005, digital print
APELOIG, Philippe, Francúzsko
1. Gűnter Grass, 176 x 118 cm, 2005
2. Poster for Exhibition at Museum of Russian Art in Kiev, Ukraine, 176 x 118 cm, 2005
3. Poster for Exhibition at Carré Sainte Anne, Montpellier, 176 x 118 cm, 2005
4. Play Type – Poster for Exhibition at the University of the Arts, Philadelphia, 176 x 118 cm, 2005
ARGUMOSA, Paco, Mexiko
1. I hate you, 68 x 93 cm, 2005, silkscreen
2. „CasAzul“ Acting Academy, call for entries, 93 x 68 cm, 2005, silkscreen
ARVANITIS, Dimitrios, Grécko
1. Salute My Foot, 100 x 70 cm, 2004, offset
2. True Blue, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
AUBRECHT, Karel, Česká republika
1. Hurricane, 70 x 100 cm, 2005, silkscreen
2. 5 x m² (co-operation Petr Kubín), 63 x 45 cm, 2006, offset
3. 2008. Sailing in Qingdao, 100 x 70 cm, 2006, silkscreen
BALDINGER, Andre, Francúzsko
1. Koreas, 176 x 120 cm, 2006, silkscreen
1. Chernobyl 2006, 100 x 70 cm, 2006, silkscreen
2. frontera méxico / u.s.a. border, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, silkscreen
BARTŁOMOWICZ, Michał, Poľsko
1.It´s good because it´s Polish, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, silkscreen
BEDNAREK, Eugen, Nemecko
1. Oskar and Ruth, 2006, 84 x 60 cm, ink print
BEN-YITZCHAK, Miritte, Holandsko
1. The Shadow of the Unthought, 42 x 59,4 cm, 2006, offset
2. The Limit of Inllusness, 42 x 59,4 cm, 2005, offset
BHOWMICK, Subrata, India
1. Crafts Map of Chhattisgarh, 89 x 53 cm, 2003, offset
2. RMKV Anniversary, 89 x 53 cm, 2004, offset
BIAŁOWICZ, Krzysztof, Poľsko
1. Play, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, digital print
BORTOLOTTI, Gianni, Taliansko
1. Marylin Monroe, 69 x 92,5 cm, 2004, offset
2. Bologna Children´s ook Park, 70 x 50 cm, 2003, offset
3. Frank Lloyd Wright, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
BRECHBÜHL, Erich, Švajčiarsko
1. 100 times im Stei, 128 x 90,5 cm, 2005, silkscreen
2. Sennentuntschi, 128 x 90,5 cm, 2005, silkscreen
3. 125 Years of MG Harmonie Sempach, 128 x 90,5 cm, 2005, silkscreen
4. The Wave, 128 x 90,5 cm, 2004, silkscreen
5. Spring´s Awakening, 128 x 90,5 cm, 2004, silkscreen
BUNDI, Stephan, Švajčiarsko
1. Boccaccio, 128 x 89,5 cm, 2004, silkscreen
2. Carmen, 128 x 89,5 cm, 2004, silkscreen
3. My Life as a failure (loser), 100 x 70 cm, 2005, silkscreen
BÜTTNER, Helmut Feliks, Nemecko
1. 100 year Einstein Relativitätstheorie, 80 x 60 cm, 2005, offset
2. Erotikof Poster Art, 100 x 70 cm, 2006, offset
CABAŃAS, Benito, Mexiko
1. MACAY, 90 x 60 cm, 2004, photo
CAI, Shi Wei Eric, Ćína
1. The 65th Commemoration of Nanjing Massacre (2 posters), 90 x 65 cm, 2003, offset
2. Mourning for Mr Henryk Tomaszewski 1914 – 2005, 90 x 65 cm, 2005, offset
3. Mourning, 65 x 90 cm, 2006, offset
5. Antiterror, 65 x 90 cm, 2004, offset
CASPAR, Francois, Francúzsko
1. Mattis, 120 x 176 cm, 2005, silkscreen
2. A Machine is a machine, 120 x 176 cm, 2004, silkscreen
3. Theatre on the grass festival, 120 x 176 cm, 2004, silkscreen
CHANG, Cheng-i, Taiwan
1. The Eastern Dietary Culture, 100 x 70 cm, 2006, offset
CHEN, Fang, Čína
1. People for SARS: Animal fear MAN (2 posters), 100 x 70 cm, 2003, offset
2. Hello, I´m Poster, 100 x 70 cm, 2003, offset
3. Stop AIDS!, 100 x 70 cm, 2004, offset
4. Meditation, 100 x 70 cm, 2004, offset
CHEN, Hong, Čína
1. Humanity, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
2. Think, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
CHEN, Hsi – Long, Taiwan
1. The Rights of Nature – Please Cherish Life, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
2. The Rights of Nature – Keep History, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
CHEN, Pingbo, Čína
1. Image, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, 4 colour processing
CHEN, Zhengda, Čína
1. Chinese Festivities Typography, 128 x 90 cm, 2004, silkscreen
2. Feeling style, Chen Zhengda Poster Exhibition, 128 x 90 cm, 2003, silkscreen
3. International Institute of Art (IIA), 128 x 90 cm, 2004, silkscreen
CHEONG, Kuok Wai, Čína
1. Romantic Classics – Concert 3 „Spiritual Temptation“, 100 x 70 cm, 2006, offset
2. Contemporary Chinese Music Series – Concert 2, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
3. Chamber music Series – Concert 6 – 7 (2 posters), 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
CHOMA, Pavel, Slovensko
1. Zázrak prírody (4 posters), A1, 2006, digital print
CIESZKO, Izabella, Poľsko
1. Print in Silkscreen Center, 100 x 70 cm, 2006, silkscreen
CHODELKOVÁ, Viera, Slovensko
1. Attila, 60 x 85 cm, 2005, offset
CONDADO PICAZO, Sebastian Eduardo, Mexiko
1. Do not Mistreat Animal, 70 x 50 cm, 2005, silkscreen
COURTOIS, Sébastien, Francúzsko
1. Festival of Public Reading 2005, 176 x 120 cm, 2005, silkscreen
2. Season Poster 2005-2006, 176 x 120 cm, 2005, silkscreen
3. Season Poster (Children), 176 x 120 cm, 2005, silkscreen
CSALA, Sándor, Maďarsko
1. Sławomir Mrožek: House on the Border, 70 x 100 cm, 2005, photoshop, digital print
CUI, Xingsong, Čína
1. Chinese Typography (2 posters), 100 x 70 cm, 2005, silkscreen
DOMJAN, Jože, Slovinsko
1. International Youth Choir Festival Celje, 92 x 62 cm, 2003, offset
2. Our Parent´s Sexual Neuroses, 92 x 62 cm, 2004, offset
DREWINSKI, Lex, Nemecko
1. Ku Klux Clone, 300 x 210 cm, 2003, screen print
2. Terror / Error, 70 x 100 cm, 2004, screen print
3. Orange Poster for Ukraine, 100 x 70 cm, 2003, screen print
4. 2D, 3D, 140 x 100 cm, 2006, screen print
5. The Emigrants, 100 x 140 cm, 2005, screen print
ERFANIAN, Vahid, Irán
1. Zaban-e-Asli, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
2. A Thousand and First Night, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
EZER, Oded, Izrael
1. Unimportant & Nothing, 68 x 94 cm, 2004, 4 color process print
2. Tipografya, 68 x 94 cm, 2004, B/W process
3. Now, 68 x 94 cm, 2004, B/W process
FARKAŠOVÁ, Eva, Slovensko
1. Učené ženy, 42 x 59 cm, 2005
2. Pekielko a Anjelínka, 42 x 59 cm, 2005
FERENČÁK, Lukáš, Česká republika
1. Forest 7000 m², 59,5 x 84 cm, 2005, ink-jet
FUKUDA, Shigeo, Japonsko
1. Shigeo Fukuda Exhibition No. 19, 72,8 x 51,5 cm, 2004, offset
2. Shigeo Fukuda Exhibition No. 14, 72,8 x 51,5 cm, 2003, offset
3. Shigeo Fukuda Exhibition No. 15, 72,8 x 51,5 cm, 2003, offset
GAJEWSKA, Katarzyna, Poľsko
1. Protecting Bird Population = Isolation, 100 x 70 cm, 2006, drawing digital
2. European Union, 70 x 100 cm, 2005, mixed media
GASSNER, Christof, Nemecko
1. The „…“ History of a State (DDR German Democratic Republic), 84,1 x 59,4 cm, 2003, offset
2. Data Processing Everywhere – Which Future We Want, 84,1 x 59,4 cm, 2005, offset
3. Berlin – Seen by AGI, 84,1 x 59,4 cm, 2005, digital print
GÓRSKA, Joanna & SKAKUN, Jerzy, Poľsko
1. Mortal Kombajn, 98 x 68 cm, 2005, offset
2. Alina Goes West, 98 x 68 cm, 2005, offset
GRAMLICH Gőtz, Nemecko
1. Russian Disco, 84,5 x 59,5 cm
2. Be Leary Um, 84,5 x 59,5 cm
GRUDZIŃSKA, Karolina, Poľsko
1. Fo Pa Ilafo, 100 x 70 cm, 2006, silkscreen
2. Marta Szewczyk Photography, 98 x 98 cm, 2005, silkscreen
3. Posters from Bagdad Cafe Gallery, 70 x 70 cm, 2005, silkscreen
GRZEGORZYCK, Wiesław, Poľsko
1. Eye on Krakow, 94 x 68 cm, 2006, offset
GUO, Xianjun, Čína
1. Moralist, 102 x 73,5 cm, 2005, print
2. Open, 102,5 x 72 cm, 2005, print
3. Ping, 102 x 73,5 cm, 2005, print
GUROWSKA, Malgorzata, Poľsko
1. Little Red Riding Hood, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, silkscreen.
2. Esthetic Revelation, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, silkscreen
HADDAD, Wesam, Jordánsko
1. Matchsticks Forest (2 posters), 42 x 59,4 cm, 2004, offset
HALASA, Alfred, Kanada
1. Alfred´s World, 114 x 84 cm, 2005, silkscreen
2. Alfred´s World, 114 x 82 cm, 2005, silkscreen
3. Polish Library, 102 x 84 cm, 2005, silkscreen
HAN, Xu, Čína
1. Image of Istanbul – Lucky, 128 x 90 cm, 2003, silkscreen
2. Chinese Traditional Graphic & Modern Design – Chinese Mark, 128 x 90 cm, 2004, silkscreen
3. Chinese Traditional Graphic & Modern Design – Chinese Painting, 128 x 90 cm, 2004, silkscreen
HAŃDEREK, Grzegorz, Poľsko
1. Przemysław Tyszkiewicz Graphic Exhibitions, 100 x 70 cm, 2006, silkscreen
2. Children! Stop Racism!, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, silkscreen
HARBY, Pedram, Irán
1. Amid The Clouds, 70 x 50 cm, 2005, offset
2. An Afternoon With Drama (8th Chapter), 100 x 70 cm, 2004 offset
HERNANDEZ DIAZ, Jose Luis Chepe, Mexiko
1. Love and respect to the life animal (3 posters), 55 x 82 cm, 2004, silkscreen
2. Hunger, 90 x 60 cm, 2004, silkcreen
HICKMANN, Fons Matthias, Nemecko
1. Emerging Designers, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, silkscreen
2. Joseph Bevys, 70 x 100 cm, 2004, silkscreen
3. Touch me there, 70 x 100 cm, 2005, offset
HIRAI, Naoki, Japonsko
1. Silence, 103 x 72,8 cm, 2004, offset
2. Japanese, 84,1 x 59,4 cm, 2004, offset
HON, Jian, Čína
1. Peace or War, 90 x 60 cm, 2005
2. Conflict of Race, 90 x 60 cm, 2005
3. Shanghai Longhua International Festival, 100 x 70 cm, 2006
HONG, Dong – Sik, Južná Kórea
1. Love Birds, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
2. Human Signs, 70 x 100 cm, 2005, offset
3. Love Writes & Things, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
4. Poster Like VS Art Like, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
HONG, Sung Il, Južná Kórea
1. Save (Composition), 59,4 x 84,1 cm, 2005, offset
HOTTA, Kiyotaka, Japonsko
1. Road (Relation between Japan and South Korea), 103 x 72,8 cm, 2003, inkjet
2. 2003 Icograda Congress, 103 x 72,8 cm, 2003, inkjet
HUANG, Chun-Lun, Taiwan
1. Chinese Character, 100 x 70 cm, 203, inkjet
2. Chinese Idiom – Living Simply, 100 x 70 cm, 203, inkjet
HUANG, Tien Kuei, Taiwan
1. To Bless And Protect, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
2. May Safe And Well For Your Family, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
HUNG, Shih-Chieh, Taiwan
1. Systems Reorganizing, 60 x 85 cm, 2003, offset
2. A dream never come true, 60 x 85 cm, 2003, offset
3. Taiwanese Face, 65 x 90 cm, 2004, offset
HYRKÄS, Hilppa, Fínsko
1. Faces Etnofestival – 04, 70 x 100 cm, 2004, silkscreen
2. Wasted, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, silkscreen
IMBODEN, Melchior, Švajčiarsko
1. Art Exhibition Poster Niowaloner Museum, 128 x 90,5 cm, 2004, silkscreen
2. Earthquake Exhibition Poster, 128 cm x 90,5 cm, 2004, silkscreen
3. 10th Stanser Jazz Music Festival, 128 x 90,5 cm, 2004, silkscreen
4. Photo-Exhibition Melchior Imboden, 128 x 90,5 cm, 2005, silkscreen
5. Humor Theater Festival, 128 x 90,5 cm, 2005, silkscreen
INFANGER, Märt, Švajčiarsko
1. Fe Fi Fo Fums, 64,5 x 45 cm, 2006, silkscreen
2. Teenage Hate Punk Night, 64,5 x 45 cm, 2005, silkscreen
3. The Guilty Hearts, 64,5 x 45 cm, 2005, silkscreen
ITOH, Toyotsugu, Japonsko
1. Water for Life, Water against Life, 103 x 72,8 cm, 2005, offset
2. Toyotsugu Itoh – Typography Exhibition „Letters in Design“, 103 x 72,8 cm, 2005, offset
3. Quality of Information, 103 x 72,8 cm, 2003, offset
4. Graphic Design: Toyotsugu Itoh, 103 x 72,8 cm, 2003, offset
IWASAKI, Takahiro, Japonsko
1. The 38th Nippon Designer Geijutsu Gakuin Graduation Works Exhibition, 103 x 72,8 cm, 2006, offset
JANIAK, Sławomir, MICHORZEWSKI, Witold, Poľsko
1. 34th Lubuskie Film Summer, 100 x 69 cm, 2004, digital print
2. Cherry Orcherd, 99,5 x 70 cm, 2005, digital print
3. IIIrd Vocal Competition, 100 x 70 cm, 2006, digital print
JEDRZEJKO, Tomasz, Poľsko
1. Tomasz Jedrzejko – Sitodruk, 100 x 70 cm, 2004, sikscreen
2. Silkscreen Exhibition, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, silkscreen
3. Arkadiusz Sylwestrowicz, 100 x 70 cm, 2006, silkscreen
JEN PING, Wu, Taiwan (R.O.C)
1. Mountain, 70 x 100 cm, 2005
JENKO, Radovan, Slovinsko
1. Deadly Funny. A.R. Roza, Commercial Interuptions Live Music!, 98 x 68 cm, 2003, offset
2. Exhibition of Jury Members at 1st Slovene Biennial of Visual Communication, 98 x 68 cm, 2003, offset
3. Le Petit Festival Du Théậtre, 98 x 68 cnm 2005, offset
4. P – Radovan Jenko, Plakati, Posters, 98 x 68 cm, 2005, offset
JUN-LIANG Hsu, Tawan (R.O.C)
1. IPT 2006, 100 x 70 cm, 2006, computer graphis
2. IPT 2006, 100 x 70 cm, 2006, computer graphis
KACPERCZYK, Michał, Poľsko
1. Artistic Area: Patio, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, digital print
2. African Days, 95 x 66,5 cm, 2004, offset
KAJZER, Ryszard, Poľsko
1. Homo Mobilis, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, silkscreen
2. Thuermchen Ensemble Warsaw Autumn, 97,5 x 66,5 cm, 2004, offset
3. Piotr Szulkowski Windows, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, silkscreen
KALARUS, Roman, Poľsko
1. Kalarus poster, 97 x 68 cm, 2005, offset
2. Image of Jazz in Polish Poster, 98 x 68 cm, 2004, offset
3. Don´t Drink Alcohol, 97,5 x 67,5 cm, 2004, offset
4. International Festival of Sacro-Music „Gaude Mater“, 95,5 x 68 cm, 2005, offset
5. Lizystrata Arystofanes, 98 x 67,5 cm, 2005, offset
KALISKI, Ksawery, Poľsko
1. Eye Fire Wire, 100 x 70 cm, 2006, inkjet print
2. Kaliski Smooth Alphabet Promotion, 100 x 70 cm, 2003, inkjet print
KAN, Tai – Keung, Hong Kong
1. Panta Rei Ltd. (4 posters), 100 x 70 cm, 2004, offset
2. Hong Kong Discoveries, 100 x 70 cm, 2006, offset
KERESZTES, Dóra, Maďarsko
1. Jozsef Attila, 70 x 100 cm, 2005, offset
KLIŚ, Łukasz, Poľsko
1. Students Poster Workshop, 100 x 70 cm, 2006, digital print
2. Simply Pleasures, 100 x 70 cm, 2006, digital print
KLIŠ, Michał, Poľsko
1. Jan Pavel II. (red), 98,5 x 68,5 cm, 2005, offset
2. Jan Pavel II. (yellow), 98,5 x 68,5 cm, 2005, offset
3. Ikona Droga do Nieba, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, silkscreen
KNOPP, Stephanie, USA
1. Seven Deadly Environmental Global Warming, 2003, silkscreen
2. Seven Deadly Environmental Sins Green House Gases, 2003, silkscreen
KOLIBSKÁ, Viera, Slovensko
1. Re-writable Copy Paper, 70 x 95 cm, 2004, digital print
KONDO, Tadashi, Japonsko
1. Peace flowers, suntory, 103 x 145,6 cm, 2005, offset
1. In Memoriam 2001…, 70 x 100 cm, 2005, offset
2. America, 70 x 100 cm, 2004, offset
KORZEKWA, Dawid, Poľsko
1. A Type, 70 x 100 cm, 2005, silkscreen
2. ASP, 70 x 100 cm, 2005, silkscreen
KOSSAKOWSKI, Piotr, Poľsko
1. Graphic and Sculptur from Krakow, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
2. Conference, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, silkscreen
3. Dydo Poster Collection, 70 x 100 cm, 2005, silkscreen
KSIĄŻEK, Michał, Poľsko
1. Blade Runner, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
2.Secret Extasy, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
3. Don Quijote, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
4. Pat Metheny, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
KUBICA, Sebastian, Poľsko
1. 35 Year Dydo Poster Collection, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
2. T. Tobolewski – Prints, S. Kubica – Poster, B1, 2002, offset
3. Passion, B1, 2005, silkscreen
4. Untitle, B1, 2005, offset
5. Hommage á Tomaszewski, B1, 2005, offset
KUNCE, Piotr, Poľsko
1. Jazz Juniors Festival, 98,5 x 68,5 cm, 2004, offset
2. Stabat Mater by Vivaldi & Pergolesi, 98,5 x 68,5 cm, 2005, offset
3. Hommage a Gombrowicz, 98,5 x 68,5 cm, 2004, offse
LABOMATIC, Francúzsko
1. The death of Danton, 100 x 150 cm, 2005, silkscreen
LABORATOIRES CCCP = Dr. Peche + M. Rose, Francúzsko
1. CDN, 175 x 118 cm, 2005, silkscreen
2. Grand Magasin, 175 x 118 cm, 2005, silkscreen
LAU, Siu Hong, Hong Kong
1. 2003 Year of Homg Kong Creativity Watsons Water 100 Years, 100 x 70 cm, 2003, offset
2. Compatible Difference, 100 x 70 cm, 2004, offset
3. City to City, 100 x 70 cm, 2004, offset
4. Chair Play by Freeman Lau, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
LEDUC, Philippe, Francúzsko
1. A Grey Mouse, 60 x 40 cm, 2003, 4 colors
2. Lusistrata, 60 x 40 cm, 2005, 4 colors
3. Angers – Bishkek, 60 x 40 cm, 2006, 1 color
4. Reflection of Maghreb Cinema, 60 x 40 cm, 2004, 4 colors
5. Reflection of Corean Cinema, 60 x 40 cm, 20035 4 colors
LEE, Ka Ling / Pazu, Hong Kong, Čína
1. I am living, 70 x 100 cm, 2005, offset
2. I am living (in China), 70 x 100 cm, 2005, offset
3. Who am I ?: , 70 x 100 cm, 2005, offset
LEE, Ken – Tsai, Taiwan
1. Save Natur for Earth, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
LEE, Mi Jung, Južná Kórea
1. Coexistence, 70 x 99 cm, 2006, offset
2. Green70 x 99 cm, 2005, offset
LEMEL, Yossi, Izrael
1. Chernobyl 20 Years, 120 x 180 cm, 2006, silkscreen
2. In Memory Of Hiroshima, 180 x 120 cm, 2005, silkscreen
3. United Colors Of Beton, 180 x 120 cm, 2006, silkscreen
LIN, Chih – Hung, Taiwan
1. Practice Medicine Save Life Time, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
LIN, Horng Jer, Taiwan
1. Taiwan, entangled, 100 x 70 cm, 2006, offset
2. Self Portrait, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
LIN, Chun – Liang Leo, Taiwan
1. Chinese Character – 1, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
2. Chinese Character – 2, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
3. Chinese Character – The Wonders of Natural Beauty are Boundless, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
4. Chinese Character – Short-lived Youth, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
LIN, JiaLin, Čína
1. I Love Rubbit Girl, 100 x 70 cm, 2006, offset
1. The 4th Lithuanian Women Congress, 48 x 68 cm, 2005, offset
LJUBIČIĆ, Boris, Chorvátsko
1. Croatia (photo by Ivo Peruan), 140 x 9,5 x 100 cm (3D object), 2004, offset
2. Museum, 68 x 98 cm, 2005, silkscreen
3. Integrity Identity, Europe 2020, 98 x 68 cm, 2004, offset
LOIRI, Pekka, Fínsko
1. Macbeth, 70 x 100 cm, 2005, silkscreen
2. Clown, 70 x 100 cm, 2005, silkscreen
LOPEZ GAONA, Osvaldo, Mexiko
1. Pedro Párano, 72 x 51 cm, 2006, silkscreen
2. The Street: University of Life, 72 x 51 cm, 2006, silkscreen
3. The Street: Joy of Life, 72 x 51 cm, 2006, silkscreen
4. The Street: Circle of Life,72 x 51 cm, 2006, silkscreen
ŁUKASZONEK, Bartosz, Poľsko
1. Christo, 100 x 70 cm, 2004, solvent print
2. 19. Biennale Katowice, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, solvent print
3. Wirkus Trzapka Frisch, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, solvent print
MABUCHI, Hideki, Japonsko
1. Volant, 103 x 72,8 cm, 2005, offset
MACHADO, João, Portugalsko
1. National Water Day, 70 x 100 cm, 2004, offset
2. Cinanima, 70 x 100 cm, 2003, offset
3. Cinanima, 70 x 100 cm, 20034 offset
4. European Year of the Handicap Person, 70 x 100 cm, 2003, offset
MACHWIC, Anna, Poľsko
1. Buy it now, 100 x 70 cm, 2006, digital print
2. Graphic – Perspectives 100 x 70 cm, 2005, silkscreen
MAHDIAN, Mehdi, Irán
1. Anna Christie, 100 x 70 cm, 2004, offset
MARCETIC MARINOVIC, Ljubica, Chorvátsko
1. „Between Us“ Campaign (3 posters), 70 x 100 cm, 2005, offset
2. Waste Management on the Islands, 70 x 100 cm, 2005, offset
MATHIEU, Marc – Antoine, Francúzsko
1. Woman´s Skin, 60 x 40 cm, 2003, 4 colors
2. Alone as a Grown Up, 60 x 40 cm, 2005, 4 colors
MATSUISHI, Hiroyuki, Japonsko
1. Nagoya – Japan, 103 x 72,8 cm, 2003, offset
MATTHIES, Holger, Nemecko
1.Group Music Theatre, 84,1 x 58,8 cm, 2005, offset
2. AGI (Alliance Graphique Internationale), 84,1 x 58,8 cm, 2005, offset
3. Penderecki, 58,8 x 84,1 cm, 2004, offset
4. Let us eliminate the brown rubbish, 84,1 x 58,8 cm, 2005, offset
5. Pictures from the darkroom, 84,1 x 58,8 cm, 2005, offset
MELUŠ, Boris, Slovensko
1. Do čista! Do čista!, 100 x 70 cm, 2004, digital print
2. Miluj blížneho svojho!, 100 x 70 cm, 2004, digital print
3. Seas of Japan, 100 x 70 cm, 2006, digital print
MESHKI, Saed, Irán
1. The 6th International Theatre Festival of Iranzamiz, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
2. Fifty fifty, 5th Color Exhibition in Italy, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
3. 23rd International Fair Theatre Festival, 70 x 100 cm, 2005, offset
METZLER, Clemens, Japonsko
1. Positive – Negative, 103 x 73 cm, 2004, offset
MIKULA, Milan, Slovensko
1. Divadelná Nitra 2006 (8 posters), 237,6 x 168,2, 594 x 841 cm, 2006, digital print
MINOR, Michał, Poľsko
1. Dream & Clown Theater Project in Spain, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, silkscreen
2. Lilac & Flag Theater Project in Macedonia, 98 x 68 cm, 2004, silkscreen
1. Cry and Shout, 100 x 70 cm, 2006, digital print
MÍŠEK, Karel, Česká republika
1. Coppélia (L. Decibes), 100 x 70 cm, 2005, silkscreen
2. Sleeping Beauty (P. I. Čajkovskij), 100 x 70 cm, 2003, silkscreen
3. Tosca ( G. Puccini), 100 x 70 cm, 2005, silkscreen
4. Cosi Fan Tutte (W. A. Mozart), 100 x 70 cm, 2005, silkscreen
5. The Gipsy Baron (Johann Strauss), 100 x 70 cm, 2005, silkscreen
MIWA, Koji, Japonsko
1. CO2, 103 x 72,8 cm, 2005
2. Junction 3, 103 x 72,8 cm, 2003
3. Petit Junction, 103 x 72,8 cm, 2004
4. Petit Various – Articles Exhibition, 103 x 72,8 cm, 2003
5. Independents, 103 x 72,8 cm, 2003
MOCICKA, Jiří, Česká republika
1. Digital Typography, poster 01, 100 x 70 cm, 2003-2005, digital
2. Digital Typography, poster 06, 100 x 70 cm, 2003-2005, digital
1. In Memory of Rabindranath Tagore, 100 x 70 cm, 2006, print
MORETTO, Paulo, Brazília
1. Brasilis Grand Circus, 96 x 66 cm, 2005, letter press
1. Mohammed Ehsaei Exhibition, 69 x 48,5 cm, 2004, offset
2. Molavi, The Second Iranian Typography Exhibition, 99 x 68,5 cm, 2004, offset
3. The Points, 98 x 68 cm, 2006, offset
MROWCZYK, Jacek, Poľsko
1. Spring CH, 98,5 x 68 cm, 2005, offset
2. Lecture – Academy of Heritage, 98 x 68 cm, 2006, offset
3. Four Views of Golgotha, 98 x 68 cm, 2006, offset
NAGY, Julo, Slovensko
1. Sin Breviary, 100 x 120 cm, 2003, digital print
2. Wreckers´, A0, 2005, digital print
3. The Heart of Man, A0, 2004, digital print
4. Who are you Judas, A0, 2004, digital print
5. Wanted, A0, 2005, digital print
NAPARTO, Aleksandra, Poľsko
1. Zahľad Plakatovania Filmotechnika, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
NOGA, Pavel, Česká republika
1. Blast Furnace No 1, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, digital print
NYGAARD, Finn, Dánsko
1. Tunoe Festival 2003, 100 x 70 cm, 2003, offset
2. Hospital Clonns Denmark, 100 x 70 cm, 2004, offset
3. Swinging Europe 2005, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
4. Finn Nygaard With Friends, 150 x 100 cm, 2005, silkscreen
OGAWA, Tadahiko, Japonsko
1. One Man Exhibition, 103 x 72,8 cm, 2005, offset
ORMANDÍK, Marek, Slovensko
1. Enter a Free Man, 59,4 x 84 cm, 2003, offset
2. Ilusionists, 59,4 x 84 cm, 2004, offset
OROSZ, István, Maďarsko
1. Horror Vacui, 70 x 100 cm, 2006, offset
2. Don Quijote, 70 x 100 cm, 2005, offset
3. Jozsef Attila, 70 x 100 cm, 2005, offset
4. Vexillum Hungaricum, 70 x 100 cm, 2004, silkscreen
5. Modernismus, 70 x 100 cm, 2004, silkscreen
PARK, Kum Jun, Južná Kórea
1. Vidak 10th Anniversary Korea Visual …(3 posters), 147 x 105 cm, 2004, silkscreen
PAWŁOWSKI, Mirosław, Poľsko
1. Impact – Contact Poznań- Berlin, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
2. Solidarity Day With Schizofrenics, 70 x 100 cm, 2005, offset
PIIPPO, Kari, Fínsko
1. Kari Piippo Posters, 100 x 70 cm, 2004, silkscreen
2. Kari Piippo Poster Workshop, 100 x 70 cm, 2004, silkscreen
3. Green Revolution!, 100 x 70 cm, silkscreen
PISÁR, Peter, Slovensko
1. Peter Pisár 44, 42 x 60 cm, 2006, ink jet print
2. Less is more, 42 x 60 cm, 2006, ink jet print
PÍSECKÝ, Tomáš, Slovensko
1. Le Bajadére, 60 x 79,5 cm, 2003, offset
PLAN FIXE, Francúzsko
1. V. Llefranche Theater 03/04, 60 x 40 cm, 2003, offset
2. V. Llefranche Theater 05/06, 60 x 40 cm, 2005, offset
3. Venissieux Theater 05/06, 60 x 40 cm, 2005, offset
4. Devenir, 60 x 40 cm, 2005, offset
PLUTA, Władysław, Poľsko
1. DYDO, 98 x 68 cm, 2005, offset
2. Jan Lenica Posters, 98 x 68 cm, 2005, offset
3. Posters from The Cracow Academy of Fine Arts, 98 x 68 cm, 2004, offset
4. Edmond Jabès The Book of Questions, 98 x 68 cm, 2005, offset
5. Władysław Pluta Posters Books, 100 x 70 cm, 2004, offset
PÓCS, Péter, Maďarsko / Dánsko
1. 21 Pócs Posters, 85 x 111,5 cm, 2003, offset
2. 50 Posters by Péter pócs, 85 x 120,5 cm, 2004, offset
3. Péter Pócs Postermania (2 posters), 121 x 87 cm, 2006, offset
POSTL, Radomír, Česká republika
1. Intersalon 2003, 98 x 60 cm, 2003, offset
2. Intersalon 2005, 98 x 60 cm, 2005, offset
3. Festival of Chamber Music, 90 x 57 cm, 2004, offset
4. Hollar (South Bohemian Artists For Bohemian Graphic Artists), 98 x 67,5 cm, 2003, offset
PRĘGOWSKI, Nikodem, Poľsko
1. Coexistence, 70 x 50 cm, 2006, digital print
R2 DESIGN = RAMALHO, Lizá + REBELO, Artur, Portugalsko
1. I Love Távora, 175 x 120 cm, 2005, silkscreen
RAJLICH, Jan, jr., Česká republika
1. Solidarity, 100 x 70 cm, 2004, offset
RAJLICH, Jan, sn., Česká republika
1. Rajlich&Rajlich, 100 x 70 cm, 2003, offset
2. Mother Heartś Monument, 100 x 70 cm, 2003, offset
3. World Graphic Day 2004, 100 x 70 cm, 2003, offset
WOJACZEK, Remigusz, Poľsko
1. Posters of ASP, WSHE, WSS:P, 70 x 100 cm, 2005, silkscreen
4. Mini Femal, 100 x 70 cm, 2006, silkscreen
REMUS – DUDA, Joanna, Poľsko
1. Caress – Sergi Belbel, 97,7 x 68,2 cm, 2003, offset
2. Dialogues about Animals – Aleksander Zelezcow, 97,7 x 68,2 cm, 2003, offset
1. Every Good Boy Deserves Favor, 62 x 44 cm, 2005, offset, litho
RITOH, Linda, Japonsko
1. A MAN – Linda Ritoh & the exhibition of the photographers around him, 103 x 218,4 cm, 2005, offset
2. Seika Sai Milano (2 posters), 103 x 145,6 cm, 2005, offset
ROUARD, Jean – Pol, Belgicko
1. The Dark Side of Titan, 96 x 68 cm, 2005, offset
RYMAR, Mirosław, Poľsko
1. Art Created in Fire, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, plotter
2. Ukraine 2004, 100 x 70 cm, 2004, plotter
SAEEDI, Mehdi, Irán
1. Student OMRH, 100 x 70 cm, 2006, offset
2. Exposición Arquitectura En Al-Andalus Documentos Para El Siglo XXI, 100 x 70 cm, 2006, offset
3. Three Iranian Look, 120 x 90 cm, 2005, offset
1. Sagmeister on a Bingo, 103 x 72 cm, 2003, offset.
2. SUA, 116 x 76 cm, 2004, offset
3. Sagmeister Zűrich, 128 x 90 cm, 2003, offset
SAKK, Ivar, Estónsko
1. Printed 2005, 64 x 91 cm, 2006, offset
2. Estonian Manors, 64 x 89 cm, 2004, offset
SARKISOV, Sergei, Bielorusko
1. 20th Anniversary of Chernbyl Tragedy, 70 x 100 cm, 2005, jet print
2. 20th Anniversary of Chernobyl Tragedy, 60 x 90 cm, 2005, jet print
SASAKI, Michihito, Japonsko
1. Gestalt, 103 x 72,8 cm, 2005, offset
2. Hentaikana, 103 x 72,8 cm, 2004, offset
SAYFOURI, Bijan, Irán
1. Molavi, 100 x 70 cm, 2004, digital
2.. Razi, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, digital
1. Confess, 78 x 58 cm, 2003, silkscreen
2. Alternatives to War, 58 x 78 cm, 2003, silkscreen
3. Privacy, 78 x 58 cm, 2004, silkscreen
4. Fear, 78 x 58 cm, 20035silkscreen
SCULLY, Christopher, Kanada
1. Actio, Performances Evening, 37 x 61 cm, 2005, silkscreen
2. Performance Evening, 46 x 60,5 cm, 2004, silkscreen
3. Imprudanses, 61 x 91,5 cm, 2004, silkscreen
SERNEC, Simon, Slovinsko
1. Kreart Is Like Christmass, 69 x 48 cm, 2005, offset
2. Poster Exhibition, 48 x 67,2 cm, 2006, offset
SHAO, Wei, Čína
1. Xi´an – Image, 90 x 60 cm, 2005
SHAOBO, Li, Čína
1. China Central academy of Fine Arts, 70 x 100, 2005, offset
2. Keep Your City Clean (Hold In By Ren), 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
SHIH, Ling-Hung Sophia, Taiwan
1. Beauty of Taiwan, 100 x 70 cm, 2006, offset
SKORWIDER, Eugeniusz, Poľsko
1. Design (Exhibition of Student Design), 95 x 66 cm, 2005, offset
SKORWIDER, Max, Poľsko
1. Dziady Part, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
SKRZYPCZYK, Krzysztof, Poľsko
1. Iraq 2003, 98 x 69 cm, 2004, digital print
2. Terror, 99 x 69 cm, 2004, digital print
1. Bush Porcupine, 60,5 x 90,5 cm, 2005, plotter
2. Help, 91 x 60,5 cm, 2005, plotter
3. Seymour Chwast Lecture at Penn State, 96 x 60,5 cm, 2004, plotter
SOWIŃSKI, Kuba, Poľsko
1. 45th Cracow Film Festival, 120 x 180 cm, 2005, silkscreen
2. A Centenary of Energetics (Power Engineering?) in Cracow B1, 2004, offset
STANOVÁ, Magda, Slovensko
1. Australian Gaze, 96 x 67,5 cm, 2005, offset
STAROWICZ, Monika, Poľsko
1. Contemporary Polish Poster, 100 x 70 cm, 2004, offset
2. Pure Formality Anna Sielska´s Photos, 100 x 70 cm, 2006, silkscreen
3. Kinematograf…, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, silkscreen
4. Contemporary Polish Poster, 100 x 70 cm, 2004, offset
5. Macbeth, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
STĘPIEŃ, Jakub, Poľsko
1. The Icons of Design, 98 x 68 cm, 2005, offset
STRŐM, Reijo, Fínsko
1. Our Society, 2006, digital print
STUDIO CUCULIĆ / Mr Cuculić, Vanja & Mrs Plasajec, Željka, Chorvátsko
1. Big White Rabbit, 68 x 98 cm, 2004, offset
2. Tilla´s Box, 68 x 98 cm, 2003, offset
SUEFUSA, Shino, Japonsko
1. Audioramic, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
SUGISAKI, Shinnoske, Japonsko
1. Glocalism, 103 x 72,8 cm, 2003, inkjet
2. Bunraku, Intangible Heritage, 103 x 72,8 cm, 2004, inkjet
3. Drinking Chic and Stylishness, 84,1 x 59,4 cm, 2005, inkjet
SUN, Byoung Il, Južná Kórea
1. Cooperation with Labor-Management, Wisdom for Coexistence, 70 x 99 cm, 2004, offset
SUZUKI, Shinsuke, Japonsko
1. Polyhedron A, B, C, (3 posters), 103 x 72,8 cm, 2003, silkscreen
SVĚTLÍK, Jiří, Česká republika
1. …I Promise…, 70 x 100 cm, 2005, offset
2. Domestic Violence, 120 x 180 cm, 2005, citylight
3. Jerusalem, 110 x 150 cm, 2005, citylight
4. Singin´in the Rain, 120 x 180 cm, 2006, citylight
SYNOWIEC, Paweł, Poľsko
1. Body, 100 x 70 cm, 2006, digital print
2. Hamlet, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, digital print
3. Sebastian Kubica Posters, 100 x 70 cm, 2006, digital print
SZAYBO, Rosław, Poľsko
1. Jazz w muzeum, 70 x 100 cm, 2005, offset
2. Creating we live, 100 x 70 cm, 2004, offset
SZEGÉNY, Róbert, Slovensko
1. Anatomy of Type, 59 x 83 cm, 2006, pencil + digital print
TAKADA, Yukichi, Japonsko
1. Yes, Globalism, 59,4 x 84,1 cm, 2003, offset
2. Osaka Six, 84,1 x 59,4 cm, 2004, offset
3. Life of Earth, 59,4 x 84,1 cm, 2005, digital print
TANABE, Masakazu, Japonsko
1. Something we can do for the Earth, 103 x 72,8 cm, 2005, offset
2. 2003 Icograda Congress in Nagoya, Japan, 103 x 72,8 cm, 2003, offset
3. The 37th Nippon Designer Geijutsu Gakuin Graduation Works Exhibition, 103 x 72,8 cm, 2005, offset
TARTAKOVER, David, Izrael
1. Free Hand Design, 98,5 x 68,5 cm, 2004, offset
2. „STAIN“, 98,5 x 68,5 cm, 2003, offset
TECHMAN, Marta, Poľsko
1. Free Will, 100 x 70 cm, 2004, silkscreen
2. Cold Politics, 100 x 70 cm, 2004, silkscreen
TERENTYEV, Vladimir & TOREEV, Jouri, Bielorusko
1. Chichikow, Mystical comedy after Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol, 90 x 60 cm, 2005, offset
2. Simon Muzika. Inspired by Yakub Kolas, 90 x 60 cm, 2005
TOREEV, Jouri, Bielorusko
1. Gender Format. The 6th International Festival of Female Cinema, Minsk 2005, 90 x 60 cm, 2005, offset
2. Chernobyl. 26.04.2006, 90 x 60 cm, 2005, offset
TOSHIYASU, Nanbu, Japonsko
1. Osaka City Kogei High School, 103 x 72,8 cm, 2003, silkscreen
2. Osaka Municipal College of Design Exhibition 2006 (2 posters), 103 x 72,8 cm, 2006, silkscreen
TROXLER, Annik, Švajčiarsko
1. Intimities, 128 x 90 cm, 2004, silkscreen
2. Intimities, 128 x 90 cm, 2005, silkscreen
TROXLER, Niklaus, Švajčiarsko
1. Bob Stewart – Arthur Blythe, 128 x 90cm, 2005, silkscreen
2. Irene Schweizh, 128 x 90 cm, 2005, silkscreen
3. Festival Willisau 2005, 128 x 90 cm, 2005, silkscreen
4. Joey Ozron Group, 128 x 90 cm, 2005, silkscreen
TSUKAMOTO, Akihiko, Japonsko
1. DIG Tokyo – 1, 103 x 72,8 cm, 2003, silkscreen
2. DIG Tokyo – 2, 103 x 72,8 cm, 2003, silkscreen
TUREK-GAS, Marzena, Poľsko
1. DJ´s School, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, digital print
TYAVINA, Yana, Taliansko
1. Romeo and Juliet, 100 x 70 cm, 2006, ink-jet
TYCZKOWSKI, Krzysztof, Poľsko
1. Kurt Schwitters 1887 – 1948, 98 x 67,5 cm, 2004, offset
2. Jack Ox – Visualising Music, 67,5 x 98 cm, 2004, offset
VASSAF, Hamid Reza, Irán
1. Psychology of Dreams in the East, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, digital, mixed, paint collage
2. Religious Rites in Iran, 96 x 70 cm, silkscreen & digital
VERCELLI, Gabriela, Taliansko
1. Elective Affinity, 100 x70 cm, 2006, inkjet
WAIDMANN Metchild & Stefan, Nemecko
1. Why not, 84x 59,4 cm, 2005, silkscreen
2. Ants, 84 x 59,4 cm, 2005, silkscreen
WANG, Feng, Čína
1. Character (2 posters), 100 x 70 cm, 2006, offset
WANG, Xufeng, Čína
1. Enjoy Tea, 84 x 57 cm, 2005, print
2. Suzhou Image, 84 x 57 cm, 2005, print
WATANABE, Masato, Japonsko
1. Bean Curd Dish „Mushintei“ – Good luck poster, The Thousend Crane, 103 x 72,8 cm, 2005, digital print
2. Bean Curd Dish „Mushintei“ – Good luck poster, The Iris, 103 x 72,8 cm, 2005, digital print
3. Exhibition Poster Garagu Super market – Princess Heaven, 103 x 72,8 cm, 2005, digital print
WATANABE, Mitsuo, Japonsko
1. Water for Life, 103 x 72,8 cm, 2005, offset
2. Earth Day 365 (2 posters), 103 x 72,8 cm, 2005, offset
1. The Urban Impressions of Taipei (3 posters), 100 x 70 cm, 2005, 4 colour
WOJCIECHOWSKA, Elżbieta, Poľsko
1. Modern Polish Poster, 100 x 70 cm, 2004, offset
2. The Purple Rose of Kairo, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, digital printing
WOLNA, Maja, Poľsko
1. Stop Sex With Kids, 70 x 50 cm, 2006, plotter
2. The Family, 70 x 50 cm, 2005, plotter
XIA, Wenxi, Čína
1. Cares about the whole world, 100 x 70 cm, 2003, silkscreen
2. Zhi Hu Zhe Ye, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
3. Body and Heart, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
XIE, Xianxing, Čína
1. The Garden Party, 100 x 70 cm, 2005, offset
2. Chinese Party, 60 x 85 cm, 2005, offset
YANG, Zhen, Čína
1. In China 1966, 70 x 100 cm, 2005
YOSHITERU, Asai, Japonsko
1. In Hopes of Preserving This Beauty Eternally, 103 x 72,5 cm, 2003, silkscreen
YU, Ming-Lung, Taiwan
1. Taiwan Image – Pingshi, 70 x 100 cm, 2005, computer
3. Taiwan Image, 70 x 100 cm, 2005, computer
ZAVARSKÝ, Ján, Slovensko
1. Rodinné šťastie, 42 x 59 cm, 2004
2. Terasa, 42 x 59 cm, 2005
ZEBROWSKI, Leszek, Poľsko
1. Leszek Zebrowski Posters – Guangznou (China), B 1, 2005, offset
1. A + D M.F.A 05, 92 x 61 cm, 2005, offset
2. Winter, Dance, Works, 92 x 61 cm, 2004, offset
3. Mind´s Eye, 65 x 49 cm, 2006, archival hi-res ink-jet
ZHAO, Yan, Čína
1. Tradition Saving, 128 x 90 cm, 2005, silkscreen
2. The 2nd China International Poster Biennial, 128 x 90 cm, 2005, silkscreen
ZHENG, Chao, Čína
1. China, My Home Land, 128 x 90 cm, 2004, silkscreen
2. The Wing of Angel, 100 x 70 cm, 2004, offset
3. Asia Discover, 100 x 70 cm, 2004, offset
ZHENG, Zhao-hui, Čína
1. Life Code, 128 x 90 cm, 2004, silkscreen
ZHIBO, Jiří, Česká republika
1. Festival „Jirásek´s Hronov“, 70 x 50 cm, 2005, digital print
ZHIWEI, Bai, Čína
1. Intro Tech Music Party, 100 x 70 cm, offset
ZIEGLER, Zdeněk, Česká republika
1. Poster, Book, Stamp, 100 x 70 cm, 2004, silkscreen
2. BRIX, 84 x 60 cm, 2003, offset