The triennial is endorsed by the International Council of Graphic Design Associations ICOGRADA.

International Council of Graphic Design Associations

The International Council of Graphic Design Associations (Icograda) is the professional world body for graphic design and visual communication. Founded in London in 1963, it is a voluntary coming together of associations concerned with graphic design, design management, design promotion, and design education. Icograda promotes graphic designers’ vital role in society and commerce. Icograda unifies the voice of graphic designers and visual communication designers worldwide.

Icograda’s Purpose

Icograda is the world’s non-governmental and non-political representative and advisory body for graphic design and visual communication. It serves the worldwide community of graphic designers. In doing so, Icograda aims to:

  • raise the standards of design, professional practice, and ethics
  • raise the professional status of the graphic designer
  • further the appreciation of designers’ professional achievements
  • extend design’s contribution to understanding among people
  • promote the exchange of information, views, and research
  • contribute to design education – theory, practice and research
  • coordinate matters of professional practice and conduct
  • establish international standards and procedures
  • hold congresses, conferences, seminars, and symposia
  • publish and distribute information concerned with graphic design.

Icograda Membership

Icograda is an association of independent Member associations, forming a global network. More than 70 Member associations in over 45 countries share common concerns, commitments, and standards.

Icograda’s Core Values

Icograda is guided by core values which influence both individual and collective conduct. We strive for continual improvement, and we strive to have our actions reflect these values, demonstrate accountability, and be publicly defensible.

  1. We conduct ourselves ethically and with integrity.
  2. We show respect for others in our words and actions.
  3. We act in the spirit of a global community and cooperation.
  4. We respect the diversity of human beings, and their social, ethnic, and cultural differences.
  5. We respect the natural environment.

International Affiliations

Icograda has consultative status with the Council of Europe; UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization); UNIDO (the United Nations Industrial Development Organization); and WIPO (the World Intellectual Property Organization). In 1999, Icograda was one of the founding members of Design for the World (DW), a non-profit multi-disciplinary organization formed to solve global social, humanitarian and habitat problems through design.

The Icograda Foundation

The Icograda Foundation was established in 1991 for the advancement of worldwide understanding and education through the effective use of graphic design.

Friends of Icograda

Friends of Icograda is a worldwide network of individuals and corporations who share a common interest in graphic design and visual communication. Friends support Icograda and desire to contribute to Icograda and its worldwide aims.

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