TPT 2012 Rules

TPT 2012 Rules

The competition TPT 2012 is open to the authors all over the world, for posters created by any reproductive technique in the period:
January 1, 2009 – July 1, 2012

Participation in the competition is free of charge.


July 15, 2012

Please send work in advance to arrive on time.


A (professional) – professionals and teams
B (student) – art school students older than 18 years
C (junior) – art school students from 14-18 years registered by teacher


Each author has the option to send 5 posters in the relevant category. It is required to complete an online registration form for acceptance posters into the competition.

Category C (junior) will send only digital data of poster for printing. Works selected by international jury will be printed at the expense of organiser and exhibited in TPT 2012 exposition and reproduced in the official catalog.

Each physical poster should be sent in 2 copies marked by the code obtained from online registration form . Posters must meet the size specified for the selected category and can not be installed on a solid surface.

Requirements for physical posters and correct color reproduction of digital material works in the catalog by category:

A Category
B1 – B0 (min 70 x 100 cm – max 100 x 140 cm)
(A4, 300DPI, CMYK, JPG)

B Category
B2 – B1 (min 50 x 70 cm – max 70 x 100 cm)
(A4, 300DPI, CMYK, JPG)

C Category
only digital data B1
(50 x 70 cm, 300DPI, CMYK, PDF)


Posters secure against damage and mark to avoid customs and postal charges. The duty does not apply to material of negligible value. For more information, contact your postman. The cost of timely delivery of posters and other related costs bear the author.

Posters should be sent to:

TPT 2012
Galéria Jána Koniarka v Trnave
Zelený kríček 3
917 01 Trnava
Slovenská republika

Accepted works will become property of the organizers and will not be returned. Author provides to organizer the right to display and reproduction of the work.


In September 2012 an international jury will evaluate all submitted work. In the case of huge amounts of posters organizer will create Pre-selection Committee which will ensure access of international jury to all discarded poster.

To simplify the decisions of international jury we recommend participants to translate the main inscription on the poster in english and in short describe the purpose and context of the work in online registration form.

Posters of the finalists will be exhibited in the exposition of TPT 2012 and will be published in the official catalog.


International jury will award:
one prize Grand Prix
1. – 3. prize in A category
1. – 3. prize in B and C categories.

Other prizes will be granted by co-organisers of TPT.

TPT 2012 will not award cash prizes, unless conditions of budget will alow it.


One copy of official catalog will be distributed to the finalist for free, they will only pay postal and handling expenses. Additional catalogs can be ordered with 1/3 discount.
Informations and poster reproductions in catalogue will be taken from data submitted by online form. Author is responsible for the color correctness and accuracy of digital data.
